Helmi" is a young man at the beginning of his career after graduating from university. He is a shy person who believes everyone around him, which leads him into social problems. He dreams of a normal life and a truthful society, or at least of having honest people around him, like his family and friends. However, he is confronted with reality and faces life with innocence and honesty. In return, society turns against him, and he is deceived by those closest to him. القصة: "حلمي" شاب في بداية حياته العملية بعد تخرجه من الجامعة، و هو شخصية خجولة يصدق كل من حوله، فيقع في المشاكل الاجتماعية لإنسان كان يحلم بحياة طبيعية و مجتمع صادق غير كاذب، او على الأقل كل من حوله من اهله و أصدقائه صادقين، و لكنه يصطدم بالحقيقة و يواجه الحياة بعفوية و صدق، فينقلب عليه المجتمع و يخدعه اقرب الناس له.